GID | Oral Surgery with Tara Renton: Save the Date... | Tara Renton | Friday 08 May 2026

Oral Surgery with Tara Renton: Save the Date... | Tara Renton | Friday 08 May 2026


For: Dentists,


Tara Renton

Founder of OFP website | Professor Tara Renton

Professor Tara Renton

Tara Renton completed her dentistry at Guys (1984), Oral and Maxillofacial surgical training in Melbourne (1991), undertook a PhD in Trigeminal Nerve injury at KCL (1999-2003).

Education programmes

UG teaching of dental students modern Oral Surgical. Pain and modern LA techniques.

Academic oral surgery training programme.

Supervised 8 PhDs

Research collaboration with

Imperial College, UCL, Oxford University, Institute of Psychiatry and Psychology & Neurology

Published over 200 peer reviewed articles

Grants MRC and NIHR


Associate editor for Journal Orofacial pain and headache, she is on the Dental Update and British Society for Dental Hygienists and Therapist Editorial Boards

Co-editor the BDA clinical manuals for Oral Surgery Books I and II and Editor of Nature pub OFP book (2021)


Leads Kings Health Partners Orofacial Pain Service Orofacial pain multidisciplinary service

Leads 2 patient facing websites and

Policy and Awards

Chair National patient safety for dentistry -prevention wrong site surgery in dentistry

Chair M3M patient care guidance for FDS RCS

Honorary AAOMS fellowship 2017

Noel Martin visiting Chair Sydney University 2018-

Steve Graff Radford Award American Headache Society 2020

Tara was an elected member RCS England FDS Board 2010-2019

Chair of Oral Surgery SAC

Invited member National Advisory Board for human factors in dentistry

Past President of the British Association Oral Surgery

Tara was recently interviewed for The Sun newspaper in the UK on the topic of Burning Mouth Syndrome.


09:30 - 11:00, session 1

11:30 - 13:00, session 2

14:00 - 15:15, session 3

15:45 - 17:00, session 4

GDC outcomes

B, C,
