For: Nurses,
Mindfulness meditation is a mental training practice that teaches you to slow down racing thoughts, let go of negativity, and calm both your mind and body. Mindfulness meditation involves deep breathing and awareness of body and mind.
It encourages increased emotional regulation while reducing anxiety and stress.
You will leave with a toolkit of mindfulness activities to implement immediately and with practice see the benefits in your every day.
The session will allow you to improve your mental health and reduce stress so that you become more aware of how to press the "pause" button in your everyday life.
Mindful Meditation teacher DipBSoM Mindful Life Coach
Reiki Master
LAMDA Acting coach
In 2022 I will be embracing my passion for Mental Health and Well-being by immersing myself as a freelance practitioner. I was a very busy Head of Drama for 32 years and I found mindful meditation as a way to combat stress. Mindfulness has helped me to become a calmer and more focused person, adding a completely new dimension to my everyday life. I wanted to share this amazing life skill with my own students and with others as a means to manage mental health and well-being, ultimately winning a Mental Health Award.
social media: mandyjohnson5838
09:30 - 11:00, session 1
11:30 - 13:00, session 2