Safeguarding Level 2 Protecting Children, Young People and Adults at risk & Mental Capacity Act & Dementia Awareness
The morning session will cover: What is safeguarding, forms of abuse, where does abuse occur, recognising abuse, effects of abuse, the Law, reporting (suspected) cases of abuse, protecting the practitioner from accusations and what we have to do as a dental practice
The afternoon session will cover: The Mental Capacity Act 5 Principles. What is capacity, capacity assessments, consent and record-keeping, best interests and decision-makers. Dementia - what is it?, types of dementia and how the brain works as well as how dementia affects people
- AM:
- Understand the different types of abuse
- Understand the different forms of abuse
- Understand the potential long-term effects of abuse
- Understand how the Law tries to safeguard those who need it.
- Recognise how to report (suspected) cases of abuse
- Know what we need to do as a dental practice with regard to Safeguarding.
- PM:
- Understand the principles of the Mental Capacity Act
- Be aware of what having capacity is
- Know what needs to be recorded
- Can demonstrate how to assess capacity
- Understands the term 'Best Interests'
- Be able to identify who can make decisions
- Be able to explain what dementia is and describe the effects it has on people
- AM
- Understanding the different types of abuse
- Knowing the different forms of abuse
- Being aware of the potential long-term effects of abuse
- Understand how the law tries to safeguard those who need it.
- Recognise how to report (suspected) cases of abuse
- Know what we need to do as a dental practice with regard to Safeguarding.
- PM
- Understanding the principles of the Mental Capacity Act
- Being aware of what having capacity means?
- Knowing what needs to be recorded
- Understanding how to assess capacity
- Understands the term ‘Best Interests’
- Identifying who can make decisions
- Having an awareness of dementia and how it affects people
Maggie Heath
Maggie Heath is the founder and the lead Specialist Health and Safety Trainer & Compliance Consultant at Rosette CPD. She has many years of experience as a first aider, CPD trainer and specialises in providing training in an ever-increasing and diverse portfolio of CPD topics, aimed at the healthcare sector and specifically the dental industry, across the South West.
Training from Rosette CPD is provided in-house to healthcare staff, but also to larger groups in venues such as universities and lecture theatres.
Rosette CPD provides training covering several of the specified CPD topics that should be undertaken by Dental Professionals as recommended by the CQC and the GDC.
09:15 - 11:00, session 1
11:30 - 13:15, session 2
14:00 - 15:15, session 3
15:45 - 16:30, session 4
GDC outcomes